This, the final module in a three-part series on violence and aggression in the healthcare workplace, outlines actions to take following an incident of violence or aggression. It guides participants through incident reporting, investigation, and documentation. It identifies appropriate debriefing and after care for those involved.
There are three modules in this course:
This is the third module and is linked to the Australian National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards, Standard Five: Comprehensive Care. It is specifically relevant to Action 5.35 and 5.36: Minimising restrictive practices: restraint and seclusion.
It aligns to, and is consistent with, state and territory department of health guidelines and policies on managing violence and aggression in healthcare and the key principles outlined in the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services’ ‘Guide for violence and aggression training in Victorian health services.’
At the end of this module participants will be able to: