This module discusses the World Health Organization’s (WHO) ‘Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion’ and its implementation in the context of nursing.
The Ottawa Charter acknowledges that most ill-health, disease, and disability is socially constructed and frequently outside an individual’s control.
Consequently, health promotion aims to create supportive environments and improve people’s ability to maintain their own health.
To fulfil their role in health promotion, healthcare services must shift from purely remedial action towards a broader, upstream focus of targeting the causes of ill-health.
Nursing practice requires caring for patients, but also engaging in all aspects of health promotion. As part of the existing healthcare workforce, nurses play a crucial role in implementing health promotion principles and strategies.
This module is designed to encourage discussion and assist nurses in understanding and implementing the strategies presented in the Ottawa Charter. Practical exercises are intended to help incorporate health promotion activities into daily nursing practice.
At the end of this module participants will be able to: